Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Never Enough

For the new clue - when you type the words into the search box on the site you get a video and a short text . How does the text relate to the video ?


  1. well the first letter in each line spells out 'spectralhiding' down the left hand edge of the text

  2. what does that even mean?!!

  3. There's some discussion of this whole thing over on these forums (see the URL in my name).

    Google definitely did not help figure out what 'spectralhiding' is, so I asked a friend who mentioned that it is probably something to do with hiding images in the 'spectrogram' of an audio clip. Apperntly Aphex Twin does this kind of thing.

    I'm at work so I can't install any software, but it sounds like there are some free programs that will show you the spectrogram for any audio.

  4. aaa! what was the answer??
